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English 112 Hot Topics

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    I HATE "Real News"


    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    I HATE "Real News" Empty I HATE "Real News"

    Post  lynn Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:29 pm


    Interesting take on things.

    Lately, it seems to me, that even what one might consider to be "reputable" news stations have become more "sensationalist" and report things in a way that make things seem more frightening than what I feel they need to be. Plus, when something very real does happen, most of the major news stations cannot seem to let it go - it seems like it's day after day of rehashing the same old things, ad nauseum. It doesn't matter whether it's something very important, like when 9/11 happened, or something like Britney. Even that story, itself - I couldn't believe the number of news reporters, helicopters, etc that were outside her home when she was taken away on a stretcher. It sickened me. Somewhere behind some of these sensational stories are real people who are really hurting and whose lives seem to become fodder to increase ratings. It doesn't seem like responsible news reporting, to me.

    Another thing which really annoys me is watching CNN Headline News or even the local news (it doesn't seem to matter which) and the newscaster will start talking about something that perks my ears up - something mildly interesting that I might like to hear about - and they end the sentence with something like, "....and you won't BELIEVE who that was with. Anyway, we'll be back right after this message." I'm left, sitting there, feeling like I'm watching an "Enquirer" version of the news. That doesn't make me want to stay tuned for more - it just turns me off and I'll ignore it and move on to something else.

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    I HATE "Real News" Empty Re: I HATE "Real News"

    Post  aleciasmith Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:27 am

    I love that video. I am so happy that you found that and put it up. I completely agree, I think the news spends way too much time on the same stories over and over. Also I hate watching the news because 95% of the time it makes you scared to live in this world and the other 5% of the time it may be a story that you could be interested in, yet they spend 4 seconds on it and move on. Call me crazy but I want to hear about the good things that happen in life. Watching the news just makes me feel down about the world. I think it’s sad that it has become a fact that the only news is bad news.

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:07 pm