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4 posters

    The "R-word"

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    The "R-word" Empty The "R-word"

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:35 am

    I read an article that had to deal with people using the “R-word.” Americans are trying to think before they speak and not use the word retard for those with intellectual disabilities. Many people do not think before they speak and say harmful words without even realizing. I, I think like most of us, fit into this category. It is not that I mean the words I say for them to be harmful to others but they are just kind of a habit. Most people use the word “retard” and “dumb” for a common target word towards siblings. These are so commonly used that even Barack Obama used these kinds of terms when speaking on the Jay Leno show. That goes to show that they are just terms we take for granted and do not really have any meaning behind it. Obama felt bad about the words he spoke that night and called the Special Olympics to apologize about his language and explain that he was only referring to his bowling skills. After apologizing, he invited some of the athletes to Pennsylvania Avenue to give him some pointers on some of his bowling skills. He also stated that he would like help with shooting hoops. I think that we all should take this action into consideration and try not to use those kinds of words. If we did not use these common harmful words and slurs then we could save the hurt feelings from those with intellectual disabilities in Americans, Jews, Asians, homosexuals and African Americans. The R-Word
    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    The "R-word" Empty RIGHT ON!

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:11 pm

    I fully support the idea that people should think before they speak! Using the "R-word" is very very offensive to certain people. There are many more proper and nicer terms to use. I usually like to say mentally handicapped. Now, since I am not, I could not tell you if this word is any better, but to me it sounds much more official and not so discriminating. It's not like your calling them a name like you are when you use the "R-word". It especially saddens me to see people call other people this word especially if the person is mentally handicapped. You just shouldn't call some the "R-word". Believe it or not but it actually hurts their feelings alot. They have feelings to and most of them deserve to be treated right and not called names. For my whole life I have worked and volunteered with mentally handicapped people and I am very sensitive when it comes to people talking about them. I get so angry when I hear someone teasing them or calling them names. It's just not right. So I definitely think that we should stop before we speak and quit using the "R-word". Like I said, there are so many other words out there that are much more suited and less offensive.

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    The "R-word" Empty Re: The "R-word"

    Post  aleciasmith Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:00 am

    Great topic! I completely agree that most of us don’t even realize what we are saying could be harmful and we just use words without thinking. I think we would all be better off to think before we speak. I know that several years back it was like a fad to say “gay” when you meant stupid. For example “That movie was gay” or “don’t be gay”. In no way did people mean homosexual and most people that used the word “gay” or at least I didn’t, have anything against homosexuals. It’s also funny that the true meaning of the word means happy. Anyway I think that it is a great idea to pay more attention to the words we are using and to make sure that we are not offending anyone.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    The "R-word" Empty Re: The "R-word"

    Post  alexandramarner Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:02 am

    That is the truth we should think before we speak especially for the “R-word.” All over the place they are trying to make people realize that saying things like “That’s gay” or “You’re so gay” is wrong too. Maybe they should start emphasizing that saying someone is retarded or that is so retarded is just as wrong. I know when I came to college we had to go to orientations and listening to speakers making us students aware that those words were not really tolerated on CMU’s campus because it can be so offensive. They are now putting up signs around our campus that makes people more aware of how offensive words like gay can be, maybe they should do the same for the “r-word.”

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