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    Obama and the stimulus plan


    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    Obama and the stimulus plan Empty Obama and the stimulus plan

    Post  LucasBirchmeier Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:15 pm

    Obama says stimulus vital to avoid 'catastrophe'

    President Barack Obama stood in front of many reporters preaching the need for this economic stimulus plan. In this plan he talked about a couple different points that will help our country as well as create jobs. First off part of the money will be used on finding different sources of energy, such as wind energy. This will not only create thousands of jobs instantly, but it will relieve our nation’s dependency on foreign oil. Another part of this plan is to fix our nation’s crumbling roads, bridges and other aging infrastructures. This is said to produce 90 percent of the jobs that the stimulus plan is said to make. This job would help prevent catastrophe such as the broken levees from Hurricane Katrina. A big part of the money is focused on education, in his speech he talked of a school house being used today that was built in the 1850’s. When a train goes by the teacher must stop teaching for a period of time because it shakes the school house so bad and because of the noise. Many times during the speech he says “This plan is not perfect” but it’s the best way of jump starting the economy, and pulling it out of the downward spiral it is in. In the speech he refers to our economy as a major recession, not just a run of the mill one. This plan is needed to prevent a similar economic struggle that Japan faced called the “Lost Decade” where Japan showed no economic growth. This plan is not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction.

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:35 pm