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    Barak Obama and part of our future


    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Barak Obama and part of our future Empty Barak Obama and part of our future

    Post  rossowrachel Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:30 pm

    In this video Barack Obama is talking about how we need to get back into politics. He wants us to bring politics back and he says that it is something that matters. He talks about how the younger people are looking for ways to get involved. They want to volunteer and do things for the country to help it improve. He talks about how change is coming and that we want change. The youth is the next generation and we should be telling our stories about how we are involved. He wants to know about our day to day struggles are that inspires us to make this country better. I think that this was a good thing for Barack Obama to do and say since yes, the younger generation is going to soon be in control. The baby boomers are soon going to be retiring and us young adults need to become more educated since there have been so many different kinds of “toys” for us to play with. We need to learn how to make changes that will continue to benefit us and our children to come. As of right now I know that there is a lot of hard time that some people are experiencing and if we don’t want to fall back into a great depression then we need to start the change now before the situation cascades out of control. The future of America is in the young adults’ hands and we need to begin to start realizing this before we can’t do anything to change a terrible looking future.


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