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    Obama's Cure


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Obama's Cure Empty Obama's Cure

    Post  andrewrambow Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:57 pm


    As many of you may of may not know, President Obama has recently passed an executive order giving scientists more freedom to explore stem cells. As part of his plan for federal funding he is giving these researchers more money to do more testing on this new possible cure of the future. Some say that stem cell research is morally unjust, taking the lives of an embryo is just as bad as killing a living person, yet some argue that embryo's are not yet people and the cures that might develop from them are worth the risks. I feel that it is worth the risk. If some people are still for abortion, instead of just tossing out the embryo it could go to research to find cures for cancer and other serious illnesses that could better our future. It is just like being an organ donor, just from the opposite perspective. If something happens to go wrong in a pregnancy they could donate the embryo rather than just eliminating it. I do think that there should be some limits on it, people should not be forced to offer their embryos, it should be their choice. They could get the satisfaction of possibly saving lives, and that would be a very great reward. It is not really a matter of how I see this issue, it is way above me. It is one of those highly debated issues, and it seems that the president feels more passionate about furthering research, unlike Bush was in his terms. It may or may not work out like we all plan, but we will never know if we do not try.
    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Obama's Cure Empty Re: Obama's Cure

    Post  Ashley Wendling Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:36 am

    This looks like a really interesting article that you read. I knew that they were debating over the stem researching but I did not know that Obama passed an order giving more freedom to research them. Like you said, this issue is a very debated one. I think that we need to take a close look at all the sides of the issue. You state that you are for the issue, I can honestly say I do not know whether I would support it or be against it. Like you said, researching these cells could lead to cures which can lead to saving peoples lives. Then on the other hand, we are technically killing the embryo which can lead to human life. This is definitely one of those issues where it’s hard for me to decide. The only point that I could definitely make on it is that I am totally against abortion. So I guess if this is falling underneath that category then I would be against it. Yes, it may save lives by researching them but really while we research we are killing them. Also, is it worth killing them just to “save” someone’s life when they are eventually going to die anyways?! (I hope that made sense! Haha).

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