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    Jobless claims spike to 26-year high


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Jobless claims spike to 26-year high Empty Jobless claims spike to 26-year high

    Post  katiemiddleton Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:26 pm

    As we all know unemployment rates are very high at this moment in and they are still climbing, but recent reports show that the unemployment rates have recently hit a twenty-six year high. For the week ending on February 14 CNN reported that 5,112,000 were signed up for unemployment and are expected to only increase. I just can’t believe that that many people are currently unemployed. “The insured unemployment rate is 3.8%, nearly double the 2.1% rate from a year ago.”

    This is a very big problem and if something is not done about it the economy is going to only get worse. I think the government officials need to look at the people that have been on unemployment for long periods of time. What are they doing to find work? Are they just sucking up all the unemployment possible because they are too lazy to work? I know jobs are scarce, but there still are jobs out there. The amounts that some people are getting with unemployment are kind of ridiculous. My boyfriend and I are were just discussing this topic because we know someone that had been unemployment for nearly three years and when he talks about it, its like he is bragging about the amount he receives from unemployment. It kind of makes me think to know that he is making more on unemployment than a lot of people make actually working. His wife just recently lost her job due to a branch of her business being shut down. When she was talking about what she could do (schooling wise) in order to get away from unemployment he made some very astonishing comments that made us think she was preaching its better to be on unemployment. He pretty much wants her to just take advantage of it. What if everyone just took advantage of it instead of getting out there and making themselves able to get a job. It is just horrible and something needs to be done quickly!


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