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    Wii Fit class action lawsuit not likely to slow down console sales


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Wii Fit class action lawsuit not likely to slow down console sales Empty Wii Fit class action lawsuit not likely to slow down console sales

    Post  katiemiddleton Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:23 pm

    Wii Fit class action lawsuit not likely to slow down console sales

    A man by the name of Michael Torchia is suing Nintendo, with a class action lawsuit, saying the Wii game is stopping people from doing the exercise they need to (aka. go to the gym or other outdoor activities) and staying inside to support their video game addictions. He also stated that the Wii games are acting towards obesity counts in America and that they are pretty much not going to help anyone lose weight because Nintendo is making false claims about their product. Since the Wii has been the best selling video game console for the last year it sounds like he is just out to get Nitendo or he is part of a different company that hasn’t been doing so good since they started to market the Wii.

    Why would someone file a class action lawsuit on a video game provider? To me, he just sounds absolutely retarded or like he’s out to get someone. Hopefully this lawsuit doesn’t pass. I have heard plenty of people that use the Wii fit and have lost quite a bit of weight. I think this game will actually make more people work out because they can do it right out of their house and it is something that people actually enough. People are more apt to do things that they find enjoying or relaxing. A lot of people just like if because they won’t be watched or started at like you would be at the gym, too. This guy just needs to drop the subject and find something better to worry about.

    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Wii Fit class action lawsuit not likely to slow down console sales Empty Wii-diculous!

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:26 am

    lol. My subject name is pretty dumb, I know. I think it is just crazy that someone is trying to sue nintendo. I mean, what is the deal? I don't understand where this person gets off saying that the Wii-fitness isn't exercise and is leading to obesity. Any type of activity is exercise, as long as your moving and doing something. How can someone say that do yoga on the Wii isn't exercise? You do exactly the same thing with Wii yoga as you would do in a real yoga class... So now yoga isn't considered exercise? I think it's stupid. If it takes a Nintendo game to get people doing some type of exercise, and loving it, then I totally support the Wii. Most people hate exercise, but when the Wii-fitness came out people started exercising, and having fun at the same time. Maybe the Wii isn't quite as beneficial as a gym but it's still exercise. And as far as I am concerned people need whatever type of exercise they are willing to do. Some is better than none at all right? Just my opinion. This person needs to grow up and realize that whether he likes it or not the Wii-fitness is good for people. And think about it, if the Wii-fitness can get kids and people interested in exercise and show them how it can be fun, don't you think those people would be more likely to want to really exercise and stick to exercising in the future?

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:28 pm