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    Books sales skyrockets


    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-27

    Books sales skyrockets Empty Books sales skyrockets

    Post  RyanPraski Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:37 pm

    I recently read an article that included President Obama and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. In this article Chavez gave President Obama a book that was titled "The Open Veins of Latin America." Hours and days after Obama received this book the sales on this book skyrocketed. It may or may not be a good book but people have shot out to stores looking for it and buying it because President Obama is reading it. The article goes on to explain what the meeting was about and how the books sales jumped after Obama received it. It's just funny how people can be pulled into situations or more as follow the leader type of thing like this. Obama is reading a book and now since everyone knows he is reading it they all have to go out and buy it and they too read it. It's juts weird that people do such a thing because of how they want to be. Like the same in basketball, people go out and buy shoes that Kobe Bryant wears because they want to play just like him. Just one of those articles that is not that interesting but just casual news.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:52 pm