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    Plane crash kills 3 families with young children on way to vacation


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-16

    Plane crash kills 3 families with young children on way to vacation Empty Plane crash kills 3 families with young children on way to vacation

    Post  meganharden Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:01 pm

    This article is so sad. It's about 3 different families, all with young children, who were traveling together from California and their plane ended up crashing just shy of their landing in Montana on Sunday. It was a private plane and the reason for the crash in unknown. The private plane was designed to carry 11 passengers and 14 were on the plane. However, most of thekids were extremely young so that reason is not being looked upon as the a single reason for the crash. There wasnt a flight data reporter or a cockpit voice recorder on the plane so it could take a very long time for police to actually find out the actual reason for the crash if ever. This unfortunate plane plane took the lives of everyone aboard and just is really an unfornate accident! It's weird because their has been a lot of talk lately on how private planes have been crashing much more then bigger airlines. Many celebrities have not been using private planes for this simple fact. Unfortnate accidents like this just really remind me how precious life is and how fast it can be taken away!


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Plane crash kills 3 families with young children on way to vacation Empty Re: Plane crash kills 3 families with young children on way to vacation

    Post  andrewrambow Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:21 pm

    I disagree with you that this story is sad, to me it is more terrifying. With how far we have come in aviation, why is it that this year alone we have had more plane crashes that in the past few years combined? From what I last heard flying was "the safest way to travel" but to me I am starting to see that different. If you even think about that statement it does not make any sense. If you have engine problems you get out of your car and call for help, if you have engine problems in a plane you crash from thousands of feet in the air. I can see that their are fewer airplanes in the air than cars on the ground, but shouldn't that skew the ratio of accidents too? Also airplanes all travel the same air path, so it is not like there is no chance for error. It is sad to see that these plane crashes are now taking out whole families, but I really think these people need to look into what is going on with all of their air planes. I have flown a few times and felt completely safe, but now I would almost have to second guess my chances of getting to where I want to go.

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