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    Do you have control over your thoughts?


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Do you have control over your thoughts? Empty Do you have control over your thoughts?

    Post  aleciasmith Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:08 am

    The first thought that came to my mind when reading this article was “Will people be able to experience my memories in 50 years?” It’s so strange to think that scientists have now developed machines that can read our thoughts. Although right now these machines are only used to help look at the causes of different diseases, the possibilities of these machines in the future is unlimited. This article got me thinking about all the things we could do if we could read minds. On the one hand we could see the past in a whole new way, learn about our parents and grandparents lives, look into the minds of our enemies to prepare for the worst, and reading a history book would completely lose its’ luster. Then I started thinking what if the machines got into the hands of the wrong people. Do we really want to see inside the mind and memories of a serial killer, or do we really want to know what our enemies are thinking? Most of the articles I come across address technology and how advanced it is becoming and frankly it scares me. I think the government and the media already have enough control over our thoughts and they aren’t even directly in our brains yet and this article shows that that possibility isn’t far off. What happens when these machines are used for the worse and the people in charge learn how to control our thoughts? I know it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but doesn’t this article make it seem like technology is headed in that direction?Scientists Develop Mind-Reading Technology

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:20 am