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Abbey Rytlewski
Ashley Wendling
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    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:31 am

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    The little article that I read about talks about six different ways to cure a hangover. I figured most of us would appreciate an article like this! =) Of course we all know that there is no actually “cure” for a hangover but we can use these ideas for a good excuse to be lazy for a day. Of course we all know water and aspirin, but here are the six listed ideas:
    1. Coffee-This will help jumpstart your caffeine intake and hopefully help the head!
    2. Fruit Juices-This will help rehydrate you after a long night. You can also drink sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. If you have an upset stomach, you may want to go for the more carbonated fizz drinks to settle your tummy!
    3. Smoothies-Try one of these to refurbish your body with the lost nutrients by adding bananas, strawberries, etc.
    4. Greasy Foods-If you think your stomach can handle, try eating a burger and fries to help absorb the alcohol.
    5. “Hair of the Dog”-I’m sure we all know this one…What better way to get rid of a hangover then to get up and start drinking again?! I myself, am NOT a fan of this one! Haha Yuck!
    6. Breakfast-Make sure to eat breakfast so your body has some energy to try and recover with!
    There are many different ways that people say we can cure a hangover. I’m sure we all have our own special idea of what actually works and what does not work. Good luck! =)

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Re: 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  alexandramarner Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:48 pm

    What an interesting article, it is so much fun to read fun things like this then the normal boring economy or political articles. I agree the greasy food one does work for me the best. As for the “hair of the dog” how disgusting, I know most people can get away with just waking up and start drinking again to cure their hangover, I tried it and definitely cannot do that. I ended up even sicker then I would have been with the first hangover I had, and also I ended up so dehydrated it was awful! I also heard for guys if they take a midol that helps too, sounds funny but I heard it works.

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Re: 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  rossowrachel Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:06 pm

    In my eyes I am very surprised that no one has ever come up with some kind of recipe or special concoction to cure the hangover. I myself cannot say that I have really tried any of these six techniques to cure the hangover. Maybe if you want to call me on the caffeine one with the pop, but I don’t like coffee. I was once told that eating chocolate while drinking can help to settle your stomach and to make you less drunk or get a hangover. Again, I have never tried this, but a couple of my friends have had some chocolate before drinking and it seems to cure them for a while. I have however found that eating stuff after quite a bit of drinking does seem to help. It can make your stomach less upset and feel a little better so that way there isn’t as much alcohol. I wish someone could find a cure to end it all, and whoever they are will diffidently be rich.
    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Interesting...

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:43 pm

    Hah! I think the fact that no one has came up with an exact cure is too funny. I mean, soooo many people get hangovers that it would seriously be a great idea, and it's not like hangovers haven't been around for years, I mean, people have had tons of time to come up with something. Although I like the ideas, most of them just don't seem to cut it. The majority of the time those tips really don't make much of a difference, at least not for me or most the people I know. However, everyone is different so I am sure that these may work on some people and not on others. It is also funny that the article mentions smoothies, if you go to Tropical Smoothie Cafe they actually have a smoothie for hangovers! I laugh everytime I see it on the menu. I am not sure if it works because I have never tried it. I live in Bay City and Tropical Smoothie is like 20-25 minutes away from my house, so if I wake up with a hangover I am sure as heck not going to drive or ride all that way just to get a smoothie! Thankfully though, I can count on one hand the number of bad hangovers I have had. Even if I drink a ton, I usually do not get a hangover or I get a very mild one! hehe Lucky me! I think the reason for this may be that I make sure to eat before I start drinking. I know that food absorbs alcohol better, plus I can't eat a lot once I have started drinking or I'll usually get sick, so I make sure to eat like a decent meal before I even take my first drink. That way I am not drinking on an empty stomach, and it really seems to help me out in the long run. Who knows?

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Re: 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  aleciasmith Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:54 pm

    Haha! I love thins. I like to see people post articles that are relevant to the age group and we all know that we have been there once or twice. I’ve often heard that drinking coffee really helps. They put caffeine in Excedrin as well and most people think that is the best thing to take after a night of drinking. I also like the part about the smoothies, one because they are delicious, and two because it’s something you can have the next day with out feeling sick from eating. The “Hair of the Dog” one sounds like a terrible idea haha or at least I know that I would never be capable of doing this.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty reply

    Post  LucasBirchmeier Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:15 pm

    I thought this article was very interesting and helpful at the same time. It was full of good things to do when you have a hangover, some of the things I have heard of before and other things were completely new to me. I always knew to eat food, but I didn’t realize that we were supposed to eat greasy foods. I also liked the fact that most of these involved doing basically nothing, except sitting around and eating smoothies all day. I really enjoyed reading this article and I learned some interesting things that will save me some headaches later.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Re: 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  andrewrambow Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:12 pm

    This is a very interesting, and helpful article. I am have not even experienced a hang over, but from what I have heard, knowing some of these "cures" could prove helpful when that time does come. I am also surprised that no one has come up with a sure fire way to cure these annoying side effects of that night past. Some of these ideas seem to make a lot of sense. Putting other things into your body that have helpful effects would counteract all the bad, and help get your body jump started again. Like previously mentioned, I do not really know who would be feeling bad enough to need to use dog hair, but sometimes the most unlikely remedies provide the best cures. Overall, I hope this article had more value to other people than me, a person who does not drink, but very interesting none the less.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-27

    6 Ways to Cure a Hangover Empty Re: 6 Ways to Cure a Hangover

    Post  RyanPraski Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:25 pm

    Ha-ha it is very fun to actually read something on here that is enjoyable and kind of reflects everybody. Im sure everyone has atleast once had a hangover after a night of drinking and wake up and totally regreted it, I know I have. It just sucks because people have alot of fun, but when the morning rolls around headaches come and laying down all day is what most people do. It was actually very comical to read an article of how to cure a hangover. I really didnt know drinking fruit smoothies actually helps cure one, learn something new everyday. I am glad you wrote this because I did really enjoy it because i am tired of reading economical bull crap. I like to change it up a little bit; GOOD ARTICLE HAHA!!!!

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