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    Lowering the Drop out Age


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Lowering the Drop out Age Empty Lowering the Drop out Age

    Post  katiemiddleton Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:55 pm

    Legislation would raise Michigan dropout age to 18
    by The Associated Press
    Wednesday March 04, 2009, 4:19 PM

    I know this was a very short news report, but I found everything they said very interesting. This article was about the newest bill that the Democratic side of the House of Representatives passes today stating that children can not drop out of school until after they turn 18. Currently, the drop out age is 16.

    I agree with this article that raises the drop out age could bring up the graduation rate of Michigan’s graduation rate, which would only better the outlooks on Michigan and allow more young adults to lead better lives. If people do not graduate they are unable to get the better jobs out there, which makes for a higher unemployment rate. If these people that usually drop out of school at the age of 16 are forced to stay in school two more years technically that is two more years of education that will only better them. Who’s to say, on the other hand, that they really attend school and don’t just skip anyways? This means that there is more rules that need to be enforced and the amount of days a student skips needs to be watch more carefully.

    The downside of this bill, though, is just as the article read: “Lawmakers who opposed the measure worry that forcing students to remain in school against their will could ruin the atmosphere for those who want to be in school.” I definitely agree with this statement because the children that would usually drop out at 16 are the ones that usually cause more trouble and it they are force to stay there against their will this is only going to cause more rebellion and trouble making. The children that do like school and do want to succeed are going to suffer from them and experience more obstacles through out their high school career that could other wise be avoided, but in order to take care of the problems this new bill could bring authorities just need to crack down more. In other words, do not let the trouble makers get away with these actions and enforce stricter rules.


    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    Lowering the Drop out Age Empty Re: Lowering the Drop out Age

    Post  lynn Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:43 pm

    When I first read this, my thoughts were that raising the age to 18 probably wouldn't make a difference. I felt that forcing students, who would have otherwise dropped out at 16, to stay in school another 2 years might only create further problems. These students would most likely continue to be unmotivated and may not even show up for classes. In the long run, they only hurt themselves by not continuing their education, but I didn't see where this would help matters.

    On the other hand, the law which allows students to drop out at 16 is over a 100 years old and was initially put in place at a time when students didn't absolutely need a high school diploma. Many dropped out to help work on family farms. Things are different today. So maybe it is time that this antiquated law is changed and students were forced to remain in school. Perhaps it would be beneficial in increasing the number of students who graduate. Supposedly, if this passes, Gov Granholm plans to put certain programs into place to give academic assistance to the at-risk students.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Lowering the Drop out Age Empty Re: Lowering the Drop out Age

    Post  andrewrambow Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:02 pm

    I think this is a great idea. I agree when you say that it could increase the graduation rate of Michigan, which we need desperately. I do not agree with a dropout age of 16. When you are that young you are just learning to drive, you live with your parents (most of the time), most do not have a job, and you can not even vote. With all that why should you be allowed to pull yourself out of school? I think that is part of the reason why our graduation rates in our country are so low. Teenagers are immature at that age and find school unnecessary. Most of these kids end up growing up realizing they have no career options and have to try to go back to school when they are already knee deep in a grown up life. I think moving the age to 18 gives the student more time to think about the decision they are making. It also gives them the chance to make a grown up decision, since you are considered an adult when you reach that age. It may not always be the right one, but there might be some circumstances for some people and it could be the best option.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Lowering the Drop out Age Empty 18

    Post  alexandramarner Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:52 pm

    I think this is a nice idea, raising the drop out age until a child becomes a legal adult and can make their own decisions, however i think if a child wants to stop going to school or all together drop out bad enough they will still do it no matter what their age is. I understand the idea that more kids will stay in school and graduate but i still think they will continue dropping out. On the other hand i wonder if the drop out rate has gone down, since more people are attending college, now a days you need a degree and more schooling to get a really good job.

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    Lowering the Drop out Age Empty Re: Lowering the Drop out Age

    Post  meganthompson Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:22 pm

    I love this idea. I think it is necessary, especially in an economy like this, to receive their high school diploma. Teens dropping out of school has always been a big issue that no one ever really talked about. At the high school I went to there would be at least 3 or more kids that would drop out before graduation. Which is sad and unnecessary. I see opposing lawmakers points about how students that don’t want to be there could make it worse for kids who do. So maybe then we should open up more alternative high schools, or have measures put in to help students who are upset they have to be there. I do hope that this law is passed, education is the best thing to have.

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