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    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Empty Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder

    Post  Ashley Wendling Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:30 pm

    I read an article on how a man was wrongly convicted of murder. When I first started reading this article I thought to myself, “How can someone be wrongly accused of MURDER?!” Isn’t there a long process and tons of evidence that needs to be thoroughly looked at? I can understand why he is so upset. That changed his life forever. He now is having problems starting a family and getting a good job which is what he missed for being in jail in his 20s and 30s. After all, who wants to marry or hire a murderer? That just goes to show us that we need to make sure that all the evidence taken from the crime needs to match up. If something does not match, then we need to look for more clues to link together. An interesting thing to me is that he said that he had a hard time getting use to cell phones! I guess I just look at it like common sense! The good thing is that they did realize they made a mistake and let him go. He now loves to travel the world and visit his family members. Although he is thankful for being a free man, he still has hard feelings for those who said he was guilty. The article did not say what his lawsuit was going to consist of but he is surely going to try for something! He also stated that he feels very sorry for the family of the daughter who was slain. He said that it’s a shame that the police told them they caught the guy and now had to go back a decade later and tell them they had wrong guy and the killer is still on the loose. This to me, is a very scary thought!Man says bogus conviction leaves him without wife, job

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Empty Flawed Systems

    Post  aleciasmith Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:45 pm

    I also think that the courts need to do a better job in convicting criminals to their sentences. In my Sociology class we learned a lot about the court system and it’s lucky that this guy got off. There are many criminals that suffer the death penalty only later for it to be proven that they were not guilty of the crime to begin with. It’s horrible that this man had to spend a substantial amount of time in jail and it’s usually worse for those convicts who are the minority or who don’t have enough money to hire a decent lawyer. The system is definitely flawed.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Empty Re: Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder

    Post  andrewrambow Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:29 pm

    It is stories like this that make me sick. Like you said, murder cases are expected to be long and tedious. If so how did this man get wrongfully locked up for so many years? Obviously someone was looking for some short cuts. The way this legal system works has its good points and its bad points, but there should be some limits. If this was looked at in a different scenario, if he was guilty, and admitted to his lawyer he killed the girl he has a chance to avoid going to jail because his lawyer is legally obligated to not say anything and still defend him. I think moving into the future problems like this will become less likely with the use of dna testing and all of the other things that they will come out with to ensure without a shadow of a doubt they have the right man. I feel very sorry for this guy, like I am sure the rest of us do. You only get one life to live and he had to spend a portion of that in a jail for a crime he did not even commit. I get scared even thinking about having to be in a jail even for a year let alone twenty or more. What is even worse this has affected his record, and now he can not even live a normal life. I really hope he gets a good settlement out of this whole situation just to help him get back on track. However, nothing can replace all of the years he lost sitting in a jail.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Empty wrongly accused

    Post  alexandramarner Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:05 pm

    That is just ridiculous, I thought there was a long trial and process to find a person guilty as something as serious as murder. The point made about the police telling the family they found the killer relieving them of worries and fears the killer is still out there, then come to find out they had the wrong guy the whole time is terrible. The poor guy that got so wrongly accused, missed out on so much of his life, and is now suffering for something he did not even do. I feel bad for him starting a family and getting a good job would be so hard after being in prison for that long.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-27

    Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Empty Re: Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder

    Post  RyanPraski Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:57 pm

    It really is a shame that people do get convicted of crimes he/she did not commnit and is this case a very big crime (MURDER). When someone gets murdered obviously someone has to or should be convicted and many people just accuse the first person they would think would do such a thing. There are 2 sides to this topic because if a family member was murdered wouldn't you want the person that is on trial to go to jail no matter if you really thought that he/she really commited this crime. You want someone to be punished and you want it now. The sad thing in this cae was that the wrong person was convicted and only to be found not guilty after years of spending time in jail. To me i think the government should do some sort of help for this person because to waste half of a life in prison when he shouldnt be is just beyond me.

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