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English 112 Hot Topics

This forum is designed to analytically discuss the issues/events affecting us in today's society.

4 posters

    Murder for Hire


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Murder for Hire Empty Murder for Hire

    Post  andrewrambow Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:03 pm


    This story really hit home for me since on of the people that were involved is someone I know personally. In short, a man hired his nephew to kill his wife. Not many details have been released about how the person I knew was involved, but it is still awkward thinking that someone I have been around before would even get involved in something like this. What is this world coming to when you can not stand someone so much you would even consider hiring someone, let alone your nephew, to kill your wife? I really think people like this need to be put away for life. The fact that anyone would even consider doing such a thing shows that there is something mentally wrong with the person and can not function in normal society. I hope that eventually more information will come about with this story, because I would like to know exactly what role my friend played in this whole situation. The only good to come out of this story was the fact that the people of this community discovered that this murder plot was not a random, but a premeditated plot which provided some relief for those people.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    Murder for Hire Empty reply

    Post  LucasBirchmeier Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:05 pm

    When I watched this video I was just in awe that someone would hire someone to kill his wife, let alone that person he tells to kill her would be his nephew. This was very strange to think about, I can’t even believe that someone would even hire someone to kill a person for them. Seems like that person would have just got a divorce or something, but never hire a hit man. The thing that is going to be the worst is that the guy will have to live with the fact that he was the reason his nephew is in prison for life. But the kid should have known right from wrong in that situation.
    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Murder for Hire Empty Re: Murder for Hire

    Post  Ashley Wendling Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:06 am

    Wow. This article astonishes me! I cannot believe that someone would hire another person, let alone a nephew, to kill his wife! Like you said, they should have just a got divorce! He obviously does have mental issues. People like this just need to stay away from each other or get help! So did the nephew actually accept this offer? I cannot believe him either. We really have some crazy people out in the world. I’m glad that I know most of my neighbors! That would definitely be scary to live in a neighborhood where murder plots are taking place!

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-27

    Murder for Hire Empty Re: Murder for Hire

    Post  RyanPraski Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:35 am

    This is just weird to read. Usually people hire hitman to kill someone for them which is very wrong because no one deserves to be killed just because you want them dead but why in the world would this man hire his nephew. Thats like saying my uncle is going to pay me to kill his wife(my aunt). I couldnt imagine being asked a question like that. Reading this article was difficult just for the reason this man wnated his wife dead so he deicded to hire his NEPHEW to kill her. No one person should decided if someone should live or not and this man went way to far.

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