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Abbey Rytlewski
7 posters

    Octuplets...14 children!

    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty Octuplets...14 children!

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:50 pm


    I choose to write about this article because it is such a popular and controversial topic right now. This woman, Nadya Suleman, just had octuplets! And if that isn’t enough, she already had 6 other children under the age of 8! Now I think this is just ridiculous. How can anyone possible take care of 14 young children? Especially when 8 of them are newborn babies? I understand she wants to have a lot of children but c’mon, I think there is a line. How is she supposed to afford these children? It’s kind of a shame that doctors would implant her with these embryos, because now who is going to pay for these children? Us. The tax payers. Right now there is a big debate going on about the ethics of the doctor that implanted the embryos in her, and I think it is unethical. The doctor should’ve known better than to implant that many, he should have looked into the fact she already had 6 children. Sometimes I just don’t understand people in the world… I can’t even imagine having that many children! I kind of worry that she is going to go crazy and end up killing them all or something…! No one should have that many children at once, it’s just not normal, and not good for the mother mentally. The worst part about this whole situation is the fact that Suleman is single, unemployed, and lives with her parents. How can someone who is unemployed possibly afford 14 children? She can’t and she isn’t going to. Unfortunately that is where our country is screwed up and everyone else is going to end up having to use their tax money to pay for her children so she doesn’t have to work her whole life. Must be nice huh? I was watching the news tonight also and it said that when the babies leave the hospital in a few weeks the total hospital bill is expected to be between 1.5 and 3 million dollars! That is an enormous amount of money and it is clear to see that the mother doesn’t have anywhere near that kind of money and therefore, she isn’t going to pay for it. I also want to point out the fact that she is the only one happy with having 14 children… Even her parents are upset that the doctor would’ve implanted 8 embryos. Now that should tell you something, this woman is just plain crazy.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty 14 to many

    Post  alexandramarner Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:05 pm

    After reading that article I was really appalled. The woman is single and doesn’t have a job. Her parents are probably the ones that have to look after the children and help support them. Most mothers go through some sort of post depression after having children I wouldn’t think it would be healthy for a woman to have 8 children and then still have six very young ones are home already. What is even worse is the woman’s mother is sitting here telling doctors not to help her daughter out and not to help her get pregnant. The other thing I was concerned about is the fact the lady refused to marry her boyfriend who is apparently the “father” of all fourteen children. The woman will need help raising all the kids, and I feel the children deserve a mother and father figure in their lives.

    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty Re: Octuplets...14 children!

    Post  lynn Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:38 pm

    I think both of you aired some very valid concerns, and I agree. While I'm one who first and foremost believes that each individual should be able to make his or her own decisions in life and it's no one else's business, at the same time this situation is pretty crazy. The decision that she has made does affect others, not the least of which is the children. It affects us, as taxpayers, if we are indeed helping to foot some of the gargantuan medical bills and the support of those children. I feel that the doctor who implanted the embryos was irresponsible, although we still haven't heard that much about him.

    Maybe this case, because of all the implications, will be different. But, as is the case with many multiple births, those parents receive a lot of financial support from people sending donations and receive many freebies from different companies. Some even have their own reality show and receive vacation packages and products which they use as long as the name of the vacation place or product is shown on the show. In some ways, there's nothing wrong with that, because the families give up a lot of privacy in exchange for the financial help which they probably do need. I wonder how much of that type of help and support this woman may receive. For all we know, we could end up seeing her on her own reality show. Could happen.

    Then, again, with all the negative publicity about this, she could also very well end up losing some or all of her children if she's shown to be unfit or unable to care for them.

    We'll have to wait and see how this all plays out. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes, that's for sure; not that I ever would be.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty Re: Octuplets...14 children!

    Post  andrewrambow Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:32 pm

    I think that everyone should be able to do just about what ever they want in America, if they are financially able to. I do not mean that we should go around killing people, but when it comes to having children, I think there should be no one telling us how many or how few we should have. Personally I think that with our world the way it is today we should have less kids, but not everyone feels that way. I recently watched a show where the family has 18 children, but they are very well off financially, and are able to handle the large responsibility. If you think about it having a large family like that gives them a very large potential to dramatically increase the size of their family, even if every child just has two kids, that number will double, and so on. However in this situation I do not think it is appropriate for a single mother, who has to resort to using money from the government to have 14 children. We the tax payers are basically paying for this woman's mistake, and she gets to reap all the rewards. I also think that it is a health risk to the kids, because one person is not able to take care of that many kids the right way. Also the fact that the woman is refusing the help of the father is wrong. Not only will it be beneficial to the children to have a father in their life, but also it would help ease the burden of the mother in taking care of all these kids. Hopefully a story like this will show other families that are interested in having a big family how difficult it could be and all of the problems that could come from it. I think this is wrong, and the government should step in and find a way to control these situations before it even happens.

    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty Too Many Kids

    Post  katiemiddleton Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:52 pm

    Six children are too many for someone with no job, living with their parents, and single, let alone fourteen. I think the state needs to step in and make an example of this one. The tax players should not have to support her for he stupid decisions. The doctor that was involved in her case should also be prosecuted or revoked his license. Sometimes we just need to think about this kind of stuff before we act. Before she had the eight children she was staying with her parents in a three bedroom home. That would be too crammed and it definitely can't be good for anyone that lives in the house.

    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty octuplets

    Post  jacobhoggard Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:35 pm

    After reading this article I agree with you that what this lady has done is pretty ridiculous. I think that if you can afford it you should be allowed to have as many kids as you want. But for somebody who is unemployed and still leaving at there parents I don’t think its right. Clearly when the embryos were implanted she new she wouldn’t be able to afford 14 kids. That would be hard on any 2 parents so I don’t know what she was thinking. What’s even worse is that all of the hospital bills are going to have to be paid by us the taxpayers. Sometimes I don’t understand how people can go out and knowingly do things like this and then expect the government or anybody else’s to help them.

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Octuplets...14 children! Empty Re: Octuplets...14 children!

    Post  rossowrachel Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:54 am

    I completely agree with what you are saying. I believe that is was an unethical thing for the doctor to do especially having the six previous kids, no job, single and living with her parents. If that woman wanted to have that many children she should have gone for adoption. There are so many unwanted kids that I am sure she could have gotten a bunch of them. I know that there are other implications that go with adoption, but still it is the fact that she could have. If I were the parents I don’t know if I would continue to let my daughter live like that. There are going to be the ones who end up with a lot of financial problems too because most parents don’t want to see their kids fail. This is a really messed up thing though.

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