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    Manson Family Murders

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Manson Family Murders Empty Manson Family Murders

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:40 am

    I read an article on the Manson Family which tells of how they went on killing sprees. This article caught my eye because they think that they should be released because they have behaved well in prison and are sick! What a bunch of bull! I think most of you would have to agree with me that they should all definitely stay in prison until they die. Their whole family went around stabbing and shooting innocent people, including a pregnant woman who pleaded for mercy. Susan Atkins, who has a brain tumor now, told the women that she has no mercy and then wrote “Pig” on the door in blood. What sick kind of a mental person does that!? This article really got my angriness going! Another slaying that they committed they carved “War” into the man’s abdomen…again, sick people. The Manson family has served three decades in prison and have been denied over and over again parole. I think that it definitely should remain this way. I don’t care if your sick and dyeing, good – they deserve to die in prison! They sure did not care about those poor innocent victims who they were torturing and killing. I hope that when they go to the parole board again that they look at everything they’ve done and deny them again. Some may say that they are too old and sick too be a harm to society. Well that does not matter, it still does not change the fact that they brutally murdered many people. My vote is that they sit in prison until they die.Manson Family Murders

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:40 pm