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Abbey Rytlewski
Ashley Wendling
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    Condom Ban in Africa

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Condom Ban in Africa

    Post  Ashley Wendling Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:01 pm

    Pope Benedict XVI went to Africa to reaffirm the ban of condoms. I can see his point, him being a pope and all, that he wants to preach abstinence. But the reality is, not all will follow. I think that they should be able to use them because more and more people are becoming infected with the HIV or AIDS syndrome. We can prevent some of these happenings if they allow the use of them. Children have no hope in that country. Of course, we should not do those activities until we are married and have a family but like I said, that is not reality. Too many adults and children already have them. We can try and protect ourselves by using them. There are never any guarantees that one will be completely risk free but why not try and stay healthy. This visit to Africa was the first visit he made there as the pope. I think that he needs to try and help them while he is there and declare the allowance of the usage of condoms.Condom Ban in Africa
    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Stupid idea...

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:53 pm

    Wow... See now things like this are just ridiculous!! I really wonder what some people think. Okay, isn't Africa like one of the most HIV/AIDS infected countries in the world?? And if so, wouldn't it make sense to try and STOP the spread of AIDs by promoting the use of condoms? Like you said, I can understand that the pope would prefer no one have sex at all, but the reality is that it is 2009 and most people don't participate in abstinence or one-partner sex. So really, this idea is about as stupid as they come. Like I said, especially in such a place with so many cases of AIDs. This actually reminds me of my mother in a way, my sister is in high school and so she is kind of at that age where she is exposed to sex and peer pressure. Well she asked my mom to be put on birth control and my mom was like no, no, no. I guess my mom figured if she wouldn't let my sister on birth control my sister wouldn't have sex, but really that is stupid. My sister is going to have sex one way or the other and the birth control is not going to encourage sex but it is at least going to help prevent getting pregnant if she does have sex. I know that didn't really relate to Africa, but it kind of is the same idea.

    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Re: Condom Ban in Africa

    Post  lynn Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:22 pm

    This article says more to me about the Catholic church, as well as many other religions, in general. Obviously, the sentiment of "banning birth control" including condoms is going to hit home the hardest in Africa because that country has such a high incidence of AIDS. Speaking out against condom use, especially when it's something which can potentially help control the spread of HIV, is just crazy. It's basically just burying one's head in the sand. Calling for abstinence until marriage is not the answer, not for AIDS and not for other STDs which run rampant in our country - such as HPV. People have sex. It's a natural and normal thing for people to do, even with the best laid plans to remain abstinent. Things happen. Plus, not everyone gets married. Some people remain single for many reasons. Not everyone has just one partner in their lifetime - even with the ideal of marriage, sometimes a spouse dies and you find yourself with someone else whose history you don't even know. I'm not advocating having sex rampantly and everywhere. I just feel that it's better to deal with the reality of things rather than preach some idealized notion. And having condoms available and using them if and when it is needed would go a long way in helping to prevent the spread of many diseases. I think it's called being responsible for oneself and others.

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Re: Condom Ban in Africa

    Post  rossowrachel Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:16 pm

    The Pope doing this will only create more anger and more people getting infected. Not everyone is going to listen or want to follow this kind of rule. If their religion wants them to practice abstinence then they can, but it is still the person’s choice which is likely if they are having sex that they will continue to do it anyways. Without the use of condoms there will become more people getting pregnant at a young age and getting the STDs. We are trying to stop them from doing this so why ban the condoms which are trying to prevent them. They are not 100% safe, but if a person is having sex and exposing themselves to these situations then they should be able to have a condom to help prevent against pregnancy and STDs. Telling people not to have sex is like telling them not to breath. It is something that people need to do and are eventually going to do anyway whether some people like it or not.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-27

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Why?????

    Post  RyanPraski Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:04 pm

    I can see that what the Pope is trying to do in spreading the word of abstinance and trying to stop having kids or young adults from going around and having sex. The reality is that it does happen. What the Pope is trying to do is ludicrous because not only is it going to cause more problems, it is not even going to help. Africa is home to many HIV/AIDS infected people and the viruses just keep getting spread and spread. Maybe a condom will not fully protect you from STD or such others but atleast it could help. Banning the use of condoms is not going to stop anyone from having sex with another person, that wouldn't even happen in America. Atleast by letting people use condoms pregnancy and transferring of HIV/AIDS will be cut down. The pope's idea is in the right place but it is not a good one.

    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Condom ban

    Post  katiemiddleton Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:55 pm

    I heard this topic on the radio yesterday morning and couldn't believe that the pope would reaffirm the ban, seeing all the HIV and AIDS that are in Africa already, but then I got to thinking. The pope has to preach abstinence and I'm sure they always will. I mean, it's the way of the bible isn't it? And to me its kind of sad how we got away from it. On the other hand, I believe that more and more people need to go to Africa to teach the idea of condoms and what they actually do in helping prevent the spread of diseases. I know they have missions that go over there to help put the cities together and make them look better, why couldn't they make it a point to put the issues of disease preventing and condoms?

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Re: Condom Ban in Africa

    Post  alexandramarner Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:29 pm

    Wow that is ridiculous. Africa is the most infected country for AIDS and HIV. I understand the Pope not wanting people to have sex before marriage, but he needs to be realistic. Not everyone is religious and follows that and even if a person is religious most don’t follow the sex after your married rule. Plus who is to say even if a couple waits until they are married to have sex, but one of the partners has already been sexually active and has a disease, allowing use of a condom will stop the other partner from getting the disease. I just think banning condoms is stupid and promoting disease.

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2009-01-18

    Condom Ban in Africa Empty Re: Condom Ban in Africa

    Post  meganthompson Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:12 pm

    I too can see where the Pope is coming from, because he thinks that if there is a condom ban then maybe that will stop people from having pre-marital intercourse. But I think the same amount will go on and now it will be worse because it will be unprotected. Africa has the highest HIV/Aids levels and a ban on something that protects people will only make the outbreak more severe. This is the craziest thing I think I’ve ever heard. It ridiculous that a government is banning something so necessary. Hopefully this ridiculous ban will not last for long!

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