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    To sick to work out


    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    To sick to work out Empty To sick to work out

    Post  scottbecker Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:09 pm

    This article was very interesting; I found that the rule of below the neck is very true. I was sick with a cold and found that I would still exercise and I would feel a little better. Then one morning I woke up and found that it was in my chest and had went below my neck. It was not just the stuffy nose and cough. It was time for an antibiotic and I could not exercise. A couple days before I had went for a run and did 5 miles. I think I over did it and caused me to drain myself to get sick like it states in the article. I found that sometimes I am not to sick to workout and that it is good for me to get out and run even though I don’t feel good. But, just remember don’t overdo it, because it can cause you to really get sick. To sick to work out [url][/url]

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