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English 112 Hot Topics

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Abbey Rytlewski
8 posters

    Married 23 times!


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Married 23 times! Empty Married 23 times!

    Post  aleciasmith Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:16 pm

    The woman from this story is a disgrace to society. She has honestly taken all the respect out of marriage and has completely made a joke out of millions of people who treat marriage as a sign of love, hope, and devotion. She has been married 23 times and for all the wrong reasons. She even has told reporters that she flips her hair and struts and always has. She also has been on numerous talk shoes collecting money for her story. What a media glutton. One of her marriages lasted 36 hours. How pathetic. This is the reason that so many people see marriage no longer as a sacred ceremony and treat it as if it was getting a new pair of shoes. Maybe people would try harder to save their marriage if they didn’t have this woman as a scapegoat. “Well at least I have only been married 4 times, not 23 like that one lady.” Now I do agree, in some cases, it is extremely necessary to get a divorce but after the 10 times don’t you think that you would give up already. It’s obvious that she has a blatant lack of respect and no dignity and I think that she is an embarrassment to society.

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Married 23 times! Empty And I realized this was not 250 words haha

    Post  aleciasmith Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:34 pm

    So I'd also like to add that this woman not only married 23 times she married 2 men who were in jail, one was accused of rape, and 2 were homeless. She was definitely picking winners to marry. I think that she did this to become famous. People will do just about anything these day's to get into the public eye, it's just sad that this woman had to sink down to that level.

    Posts : 18
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    Married 23 times! Empty Re: Married 23 times!

    Post  meganharden Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:49 pm

    This lady is obviously looking for any type of attention she can get. Some people just want to be known or noticed at any costs whether they are looked upon in a good or bad way. It is really sad that she disregards of marriage as a sacred ceremony, when it should be held in a high regard as something special shared by two people who really are in love. I mean divorce rates are so high and sometimes divorce is the only option but getting married and divorced 23 times come on now. My mom was divorced from my dad when I was 2 and has been with her boyfriend since I was 3. They both do not see the need to re-marry. However, this lady seems the need to re-marry 22 times?

    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-01-29

    Married 23 times! Empty Wow...

    Post  katiemiddleton Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:34 pm

    Wow... is all I have to say. I would never even imagine being married that many times! I know there are certain things that could definitely go wrong in a marriage or sometimes you can't control a divorce because it is the other person’s decision, but I always say that once I'm married I would never get a divorce. All marriages have ups and downs and it is obviously going to be tough, but the woman certainly doesn’t take a relationship for granted. What is this woman thinking? Is it that as soon as something gets the slightest bit tough we can just walk away from everything? This woman certainly has some issues and needs help! Wasn't she ever taught anything about morals? I would agree she is definitely a disgrace to society and she isn't setting a very good example for people out there that are married, haven't been married, or are thinking about getting married.
    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Married 23 times! Empty WOWOW!

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:57 pm

    I was absolutely dumbfounded by this article. I mean, married and divorced 23 times? I wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time. I agree that she has taken marriage as a joke and made a disgrace out of it. Marriage is supposed to be special, and like you said, I understand certain cases require divorce, but 1,2,even 3 divorces NOT 23! It really makes you wonder how stable this woman is emotionally and mentally? I mean, it sounds to me like she has some type of mental problem where she feels she needs to be married so many times. Normal people don't do that and especially not to homeless men and convicted rapists. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with someone who is homeless, but you get my point. Obviously she isn't just marrying men for their money, or looks, or even because she likes them. I think your right that she is doing it for attention and publicity. What a pathetic way to get attention though. It really makes marriage look like a joke. A 36 hour marriage? What was the point? That's not even long enough to sign a check with your husbands/your new last name! Some people... I actually sort of feel bad for her, it is clear that she isn't right and something is wrong with her. I just feel worse for the guys that she suckers into marriage... Okay, your husband number 243...your husband number 673... etc..

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Married 23 times! Empty Re: Married 23 times!

    Post  andrewrambow Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:22 pm

    I totally agree with you, people like this take all of the sacredness out of the meaning of marriage. Like you said, there are some times where a divorce is necessary, but it seems like you are seeing more people in courtrooms than churches these days. I remember back when I was a little younger everyone was still together, and hearing about a divorce was a rare thing to hear. Just look at most older folks. Almost all of them are together after 50 or more years, now people consider a long marriage anything over five years. It sad to think all these people exchange vows and agree to the whole "till death do us part" end up forgetting all of that. I think people need to just start staying in relationships longer rather than rushing into a marriage without really knowing the person they are making a life long commitment with. Also I am seeing a lot of high schoolers getting married. Most of the time things like this do not work out, but where are their parents to guide them. Teen's are getting too much freedom right now and it is leading to a lot of problems. If this problem continues someone might have to go in and change the whole wedding ceremony, have it say something like "till times get too hard".

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Married 23 times! Empty Samantha Keeling

    Post  samanthakeeling Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:15 pm

    Wow, this was a good article to bring up. I had not heard of this before your post. Obviously this woman has attention problems. It seems that she found 23 men that were also not in their right state of mind. These men must also be desperate. Marriage is a scared thing and you cannot possible think that you actually want to share it with 23 men. This is a cry for attention, and I guess it is working. It is pathetic that this negative attention is what she wants to be remembered in life for.

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    Married 23 times! Empty reply

    Post  LucasBirchmeier Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:31 pm

    When I read this story it made me sick to think that a woman could completely destroy the meaning of a marriage. To think that someone would get married 23 times with no remorse of regret of her actions, just disgusts me. Her actions completely undermine the meaning of marriage. A marriage is supposed to be sacred and a sign of love and devotion to your significant other, her actions complete take away the sacredness of marriage. When I think about this woman doing this it makes me sick to my stomach, it’s like she is marrying people as like a game. Makes me sick!!

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Married 23 times! Empty 23

    Post  alexandramarner Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:01 pm

    This is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard of. Marriage is supposed to be a commitment to a person you’re in love with not a joke. To be married 23 times, too many guys that don’t sound very healthy is just plain sad. The fact she goes on talk shows to make money off of this is pathetic. I would assume her family seeing if she has any is embarrassed of her; I would be if she was my relative. This sort of thing is what makes some people think marriage isn’t anything important, and being married multiple times is something to be proud of.

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