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    Robots taking over planet Earth


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Robots taking over planet Earth Empty Robots taking over planet Earth

    Post  aleciasmith Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:12 pm

    Expert: Robots Will Fight Wars of Future

    When I first read the headline for this story it scared me. Robots’ being able to fight wars is something that I don’t feel is a very good idea. I think this sounds like the plot of a movie, actually I believe several movies are based along the same lines. I think this could potentially be a very bad thing. One problem I have with this is that it seems that once again we are finding a way not to deal with our problems. We, the humans, start the wars but we’re going to have someone else, the robots, fight them for us. I think that if we get ourselves into situations we need to know how to get ourselves out. Also I feel like this could lead to us going to war more often, knowing that one of the negative consequences of going to war, losing people, would be almost obsolete. What happens to the men and woman who make the military their job? There are more jobs being taken over by machines. Also something that is almost ridiculous to even mention is what if the robots turn. The way technology is coming along and the way this story reads like a movie the idea isn’t even that farfetched. I think that this decision is leading us into an age where machines run the world. What ever happen to America? I’d like to think people are still intelligent enough to be able to make their own decisions. Maybe not, maybe it will end up being an America where we plug our daily choices into our laptop and it serves up a perfect report on what we need to do for the day. Good bye rational choice, hello laziness.

    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Robots taking over planet Earth Empty Robots taking over earth

    Post  jacobhoggard Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:05 pm

    I thought that this was a very interesting article. I couldn’t believe that we might be looking at a half robot army by 2015. I think that there are advantages and disadvantages to developing robots for military purposes. Like you said having robots fight our wars for us may lead to more and more conflicts because we don’t have to worry about loss of human life. But at the same time if we can send robots off to war instead of young men and women that’s a good thing. I agree with Peter W. Singer from the article in that the scariest part of all this is what our enemies might be capable of by developing these new technologies.

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Robots taking over planet Earth Empty Re: Robots taking over planet Earth

    Post  andrewrambow Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:39 pm

    It use to be that watching movies is the closest we would ever come to having robots in our everyday life, and now that time is coming in the real world. Already there are robots everywhere, in our factories, in the police force, and even in our homes vacuuming for us. A world with more robots can only cause more problems I believe. Machines are very susceptible to malfunctions, and if there are too many of them there might not be enough people to fix them all. I am scared to envision a world like in I-Robot where everyone has a robot, then they all malfunction and threaten to kill all of the humans. I see where these people are coming from with their use for these robots. Being able to send in robots to war instead of humans will save lives, but to what extent? Once all the robots are eliminated the war does not end, then they might continue to kill all of the people in the waring state. Eventually war will not be a matter of who has the most weapons, most people, or the most training, it will be who are the most technologically advanced. I can only see bad things coming from this and we need to take a step back. The robots we have now are good enough. We have robots that can go inside a house with a dangerous person, or a bomb and can safely solve the task. Teaching these things to kill is more than I think should be expected of them.

    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Robots taking over planet Earth Empty Good Thing ??

    Post  scottbecker Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:19 am

    I think this is a great idea; I would rather lose a computer in a war then a loved one. I think your missing the fact that computers are already in the war, drones that fly secret missions so we don’t lose a multi million dollar plane and pilot this is already all around you and we have become so dependent on computers and we are the robots sitting here pecking away on them. Think about it you are on line so you don’t have to go to a regular class because you want the flexibility of not having to be somewhere and it’s on your time. Well the robots taking over the war and we can sit back and preserve our life that’s great

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