English 112 Hot Topics

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English 112 Hot Topics

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2 posters


    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Torture... Empty Torture...

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:51 am

    The article that I read was about the United States using torture tactics to get information out of prisoners. The Bush administration had always denied using torture for information but press have revealed otherwise. It is said that we have used water boarding as one of these tactics. Water boarding is where someone is continuously dunked under water to the point where they almost drown. Legal opinions have stated that Bush officials gave the CIA approval to use water boarding in 2002. Of course we all know that torturing our prisoners is against the constitution. I however, have a different opinion on this subject. Yes, it may violate our laws, but I do not see the enemy treating us any nicer. If they are trying to kill us and our troops then they pretty much deserve anything they have coming towards them if they get caught. If they are willing to come kill innocent lives then they should know there will be consequences. If the CIA thinks that they have information that could save our lives then of course they will try and get that information in order to better protect us and our country. It is not like they are randomly going into other countries grabbing innocent citizens and torturing them for the fun of it! I think that at a time of war whatever needs to be done to protect our country and its citizens should be done.Torture

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Torture... Empty Re: Torture...

    Post  alexandramarner Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:10 pm

    I have to say that torturing our prisoners may not be right constitutionally; however I agree with you. We have to think if we are their prisoners, they would probably be treating us just as bad or probably even worse. And yes if we are trying to get information from them then it should probably be used to get the information. But then I think to myself the golden rule “treat others as you would want to be treated.” This is where I feel like I wouldn’t want our people being treated badly so why do it to them? But in the case of war I suppose its different.

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