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    Columbine truth

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    Columbine truth Empty Columbine truth

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:13 am

    Many of us remember Columbine as a crime committed because of bullying. The article that I read states otherwise. First impressions are lasting impressions so we therefore think that what we first hear is the truth. This however is not always the case. Columbine High school was attacked by gunmen on April 20, 1999. Reports first say that two Goth teens Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were part of the Trench Coat Mafia and targeted jocks that may have bullied them. After Dave Cullen did lots of researching and reporting he confirmed that the two teens were not part of the mafia and they did not target anyone in particular. The group that was hit ranged in gender, age, social, and racial groups. Cullen states that their motive was to be as famous as the Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh. During this tragic event 12 classmates were killed, 23 were injured, and then the two teens shot themselves. This event is very scary to think about. Who would ever even imagine of one day going to school and just killing random people in order to get some fame. They were obviously craving some major attention and both were confirmed with psychological problems and depression. You would think that some kind of clue would come up and others would be aware of an event like this before it happened. This tells us that we need to be careful of everyone because you never know what someone is capable of doing. Whether this case was caused by bullying or not we need to learn to get along with others so extreme measures like this do not happen.Columbine

    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Columbine truth Empty Re: Columbine truth

    Post  andrewrambow Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:07 pm

    Even though this was something that happened quite a few years ago it is still a staple in our society and many incidences today are compared to this tragic event. Learning that no particular group was targeted is even more shocking because most people associated the whole event with rage of two bullied teens against the people who were mean to them. When you look at the fact that no one in general was targeted it makes you realize how much more cold hearted they were that they just went around killing innocent people for no reason. Hopefully we never have another incident that is of this magnitude and hopefully psychologists will discover what is going on in peoples heads who feel the need to do things like this.

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