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    Internet bug bites twitter


    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    Internet bug bites twitter Empty Internet bug bites twitter

    Post  LucasBirchmeier Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:03 pm

    I’m sure everyone has heard of the new threat facing America today, this threat is a worm. But this is not an ordinary worm, it is a computer worm. The conficker virus has been the new problem facing many Americans more and more as it hacks into computers and sites, laying dormant waiting for a demand. In this article it talks about a new site the worm just infiltrated recently. This site is known as twitter, and it has been the new communication site between people. The worm targeted the site in a series of attacks in 4 separate occasions from Saturday to Monday. The worm creators made 4 different accounts on twitter that rapidly spread the virus early Saturday morning. Twitter officials summoned its computer people to target the worm and prevent people from getting infected, by 11a.m. over 90 accounts were already affected by the virus. The site was then hit again Saturday evening by the worm that was much worse than the original attacks. It was said that the virus kept attacking on Sunday and Monday as well, with the toll of infected computers reaching over 100. The creator of twitter reassured people that the worm did not acquire any passwords, phone number, or any other secretive information. The worm is said to be used for identity theft, often used to get bank passwords and information to get access to any money sources. This is a very bad problem facing America, and will continue to get worse unless we find a cure for the bug.

    Worm Infects Twitter Tweeters In Four Attacks

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