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English 112 Hot Topics

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    3 Phenomenal Shots

    Ashley Wendling

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-01-19

    3 Phenomenal Shots Empty 3 Phenomenal Shots

    Post  Ashley Wendling Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:33 pm

    The article that I read was about the pirates that tried to take over a merchant ship called the Maersk Alabama. These pirates had taken Captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat. This article is interesting to me because the pirates seem to think that we should be nice to them?! They come onto our ships, threaten to kill us, but then expect us to not do anything in return? Ridiculous! Thankfully the captain was rescued by Navy SEALS. Three specially trained SEALS snipered the three pirates in the head. Their boat had run out of fuel so the Americans were given a chance to move in. Of course we took cautious members, it is not like we just randomly went up and killed them because they had him. We killed them because they had their guns to the captain threatening to kill him, so of course we are going to take action! Now the pirates are stating that they are going to kill any hostages they take. I’m not really sure what our ships are equipped with now but I definitely think that all captains and their crews should go through some kind of training or plan in case of an attack. They should be able to be armed and have a backup plan in case of an emergency. As for the Somolians, they should not be so stupid and just leave us alone! We are trying to help others and they are just trying to steal. Maybe if they were not so aggressive towards us and stated they needed help too I’m sure the US would find someway to help them. The way they are going now they are accomplishing nothing but ending lives.3 Phenomenal Shots End Pirates

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