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    Pirates have a soft side


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Pirates have a soft side Empty Pirates have a soft side

    Post  andrewrambow Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:55 am

    After the recent reports about the high jacking of the Marsek Alabama we all knew that the pirates were kicked off the boat by the sailors, but took the captain as hostage. After five days of living on a life boat the Navy took an opportunity to snipe the three pirates and save the captain. All seemed okay after all this suspense. However, this article talks about a report given to a Somalian journalist by another pirate who was outraged by the Americans use of force on his people. The article also mentions that a similar incident took place with French hostages, and the same outcome occurred. Now this pirate threatened to kill any future American or French hostages that happen to come across their paths. This article seemed strange to think that these people are invading other peoples possessions, holding them at gun point, and other cruel things, but once their plans go wrong they seem angry. Why is it that these people feel they can treat people any way the want, but as soon as things do not go their way, or back fire it is wrong? The Navy officials agreed that the killing of these pirates would more than likely cause an increase in violence, but to me it does not make sense for these sea folk to find it wrong for people to do to them what they are doing to other people.


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