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    Under Michigans belt


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Under Michigans belt Empty Under Michigans belt

    Post  andrewrambow Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:05 pm


    This article was very surprising to me. Records show that the amount of traffic related deaths was the lowest since 1961. They credit this mostly to the increased use of seat belts. Their statistics show that Michigan has the highest rate of seat belt usage out of all the states, while Massachusetts fell in with the lowest. It is nice to see that after all these years of pushing it down our throats to use our seat belts it is finally kicking in. I know that personally I get into my car and put on mine without giving it a second thought. It has almost become second nature. I think there are many other factors that are contributing to this statistic as well. For one, the amount of safety features on most automobiles now a days have increased dramatically. This just goes to show that what these auto makers are doing with their vehicles is actually having an effect. Another factor that I think is contributing to a lack of traffic related deaths could be due to the high prices of gas. Not only might reduce the amount of people that are traveling by car, but also how reckless they are with them. We all know that we use more gas when we go faster or accelerate quickly, with gas being so expensive maybe people are thinking twice now. Overall I am happy to see that out of all the negative events that are taking place in our society, it is nice to see that there are still some positives. Maybe one day we will be able to totally emlimiante all traffic deaths. How? I am not sure but maybe someone will come up with a solution, and then we will have one less problem to worry about.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:56 pm