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    Commentary: Don't let General Motors go bankrupt


    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Commentary: Don't let General Motors go bankrupt Empty Commentary: Don't let General Motors go bankrupt

    Post  scottbecker Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:48 am

    Commentary: Don't let General Motors go bankruptStory Highlights
    This article was interesting to read, about how NO GM don’t go into bankruptcy and protect the millions of jobs and please don’t let this happen federal government. Ok, do I agree with everyone than it will hurt millions of jobs? Should we try and preserve millions of jobs for the America people. But, think about this the federal government did not bail out Dow Corning when they had to file for bankruptcy. Also, must people are unaware how many things Dow Corning makes and supplies to the world and jobs. Once in bankruptcy they had protection and also once out of bankruptcy they emerged as a power house company and came out better for that. I understand that most will say that it was because of the breast implants is why they got them self’s into the problem. But the guys at the top are the ones hurting the working class clean out some of the upper management where it is heavy and start over with a leaner company. I sure a lot of people have option about what should be done or not done but it will be big what ever they decide to do with the auto makers. But I wonder why a lot of the foreign companies are not in trouble like the America auto companies. The way I look at it the greed of America caused this and until we say enough is enough and it stops we will continue to have problems. But how do we stop GREED??? Any thoughts??

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