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    Killer Grapefruit


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Killer Grapefruit Empty Killer Grapefruit

    Post  aleciasmith Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:05 pm

    So I couldn’t remember if I did a post for April 6 so I decided to do another.
    So first let me say OMG! This is crazy! Who would even imagine that grapefruit of all things would cause blood clots? This woman almost lost her leg from eating too much grapefruit. I guess that’s what they mean when they say “Too much of a good thing.” The story is that this woman was on the grapefruit diet, a popular diet where you replace a few meals a week with grapefruit and it is supposed to help you lose weight because grapefruit is a natural fat burner. This woman was also on birth control at the time of her grapefruit diet and what she didn’t know is that grapefruit prevents your body from being able to break down drugs. Birth control has a side effect of causing blood clots and with the grapefruit interfering the birth control couldn’t break down and a major blood clot formed in this woman’s leg causing her to almost lose her leg. I just can’t believe that something as natural as grapefruit can have this effect. We here all about the side effects of drugs and what not but who would think that we would have to start putting warnings on fruit. It seems preposterous yet maybe that is what the future holds in store. I mean I would never think that I could harm my body by eating too much grapefruit, would you? Warning labels are going to start being on our fruits and vegetables, it’s just insane.
    Eating Too Much Grapefruit Nearly Killed Woman, Study Finds

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-01-23

    Killer Grapefruit Empty Re: Killer Grapefruit

    Post  rossowrachel Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:13 pm

    This is a pretty interesting topic. I would have never guessed that eating too many grapefruits would cause you to have blood clots. This is just an insane idea that something like fruit can be too good for you if you are eating too much of it. Was this one of the first episodes that anyone has ever encountered with the grapefruit? Are we going to have to start to do more research on fruits and vegetables instead of just having people tell us that yes fruits and vegetables are healthy for us and we can eat as much as we want? I know that according to the food pyramid that we are supposed to eat everything in moderation or else we could end up with health issues, and I guess that this would be a good point that we should make sure that all the food groups and in moderation.
    Abbey Rytlewski

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-21

    Killer Grapefruit Empty Scary...

    Post  Abbey Rytlewski Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:33 pm

    Wow, this is actually kind of scary. If Grapefruit can cause clots and what not I wonder what other fruits and vegetables can too? Thankfully, I am not a Grapefruit fan, I do however eat tons of other types of fruit. So this article has made me want to do some research to see if the other fruits that I eat a lot of could possibly do the same thing. Another part that scared me was the fact that the reason for the clot was the birth control mixed with the Grapefruit. This scares me because as a female I take birth control and this could very well happen to me. On a whole other topic, the fact that birth control causes blood clots yet so many women take it is an issue in itself, you think they'd make a safer version. But back to the fruit, I will be very interested to learn if any other foods can have the same effect. Ahh, the things that make you go hmmm..?

    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2009-01-17

    Killer Grapefruit Empty Re: Killer Grapefruit

    Post  alexandramarner Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:01 pm

    Wow, I guess when they say check with your doctor before starting a certain diet if your on prescription drugs they aren’t kidding! I know that grapefruits are very acidic fruit, and with certain prescriptions people take grapefruits are not supposed to be eaten. I am really glad they caught the blood clots soon enough so the woman didn’t lose her leg. It makes me really want to watch what foods im eating while also being on birth control. You never know when something can mix wrong with your medicine and cause a bad reaction.

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