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    Lower costs lure U.S. patients abroad for treatment


    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2009-01-20

    Lower costs lure U.S. patients abroad for treatment Empty Lower costs lure U.S. patients abroad for treatment

    Post  scottbecker Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:40 pm

    Lower costs lure U.S. patients abroad for treatment
    I was scratching my head with this article; the fact that the American public is going to 3 world countries to have a heart surgery is something else. I sit and wonder why we have such an advised healthcare system and we are over priced in the United States. Don't get me wrong I know that other things go into this like the people that don't pay for health care or they have to write off bills because patients can't afford to pay and sends them into bankruptcy. I understand that people can't always afford health insurance or none at all. But look at the bigger picture, do we have heads of the hospitals making too much money and is this another Wall Street, Auto industry, Big bankers scenario of the rich getting richer and the poor well staying poor. In the article they discuss the marble floor in the hospital and how clean it was, look at the hospital in the untied states I have been in a lot that don’t look like the one in India. So the next time that you get a chance to look at how much it cost to have your loved one examined by a doctor or have a major surgery think about that there are people in India and third world countries are paying a fraction of what you pay to have the same thing done??? I am sure all the details are not there but there is something that does not smell right here.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:04 pm